368 Faunce Corner Road |  Suite 2 |  Dartmouth, MA 02747

PRP for Hair Restoration

PRP stimulates hair growth by encouraging the rejuvenation of follicles and extending the growth cycle of the hair.

What is PRP and why should I consider it for hair restoration?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a medical treatment that involves using a patient’s own blood to concentrate and extract plasma with a higher concentration of platelets. Platelets are a type of blood cell that plays a crucial role in the body’s natural healing processes. They contain various growth factors and proteins that aid in tissue repair and regeneration.

In the context of hair restoration, PRP is used to potentially stimulate hair follicles, promote hair growth, and improve the overall health of the scalp. Here are some reasons why individuals consider PRP for hair restoration:


PRP utilizes the patient’s own blood, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or adverse effects. It is often considered a more natural approach to hair restoration compared to some other methods.

The procedure is generally minimally invasive and is performed in an outpatient setting. It typically involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting the PRP into the scalp.

PRP contains growth factors and other bioactive substances that may promote hair follicle health and stimulate hair growth. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing mild to moderate hair thinning.

Recovery time after a PRP session is usually minimal. Patients can typically resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure.

PRP is sometimes used as a complementary treatment alongside other hair restoration methods, such as hair transplant surgery or medications like minoxidil. It may enhance the overall results when combined with other approaches.

PRP is considered for a range of hair conditions, including androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness), alopecia areata, and other types of hair loss. However, its effectiveness can vary among individuals, and it may not be suitable for everyone.

Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Loss

It’s important to note that while there is some evidence supporting the potential benefits of PRP for hair restoration, the scientific community is still researching and refining its understanding of this treatment. Results can vary, and not everyone experiences significant improvement in hair growth.

If you are considering PRP for hair restoration, it’s advisable to consult with our qualified healthcare professional at Dartmouth Dermatology to discuss your specific situation, expectations, and whether PRP is a suitable option for you. We can provide personalized advice based on your medical history and the extent of your hair loss.

What is the process for PRP applied in hair restoration?

The process of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy for hair restoration generally involves several steps. Here is an overview of the typical procedure:

Before undergoing PRP therapy, you will typically have a consultation with a healthcare professional, often a dermatologist or a specialist in hair restoration. During this consultation, your medical history, current medications, and the extent of your hair loss will be discussed.

Blood Collection:
On the day of the procedure, a small amount of blood (usually around 10-20 milliliters) is drawn from your arm, similar to a routine blood test.

The collected blood is then processed using a centrifuge machine. The centrifuge spins the blood at high speeds, separating it into different components based on density. This process isolates the platelets and concentrates them in a small volume of plasma.

Preparation of PRP:
The concentrated platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is then prepared for injection. It typically appears as a yellowish fluid and contains a higher concentration of platelets compared to normal blood.

Before the PRP is injected into the scalp, the target area is often numbed using a local anesthetic to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

PRP Injection:
Using fine needles or through microneedling techniques, the prepared PRP is injected directly into the targeted areas of the scalp where hair thinning or loss is occurring. The injections are spaced across the affected areas.

Post-Injection Care:
After the PRP has been injected, some healthcare providers may perform microneedling on the scalp to enhance the absorption of PRP. Patients are typically given post-procedure care instructions, which may include avoiding certain activities (such as vigorous exercise) for a short period.

Follow-Up Sessions:
PRP therapy for hair restoration often involves multiple sessions to achieve the best results. The number of sessions and the interval between them can vary based on the individual’s response to the treatment and the severity of the hair loss.